30 Mar. 2021, Accelerating Sales In Uncertain Times

Accelerating Sales In Uncertain Times

Most organizations are still faced with a myriad of uncertainties due to the economic toll covid-19 had on their businesses and the world. These uncertainties include navigating a reality where their products & services may no longer have the same standing as they did prior to the outbreak. Considering the dramatic increase in the amount of time people are presently spending online, it is imperative for organizations to take advantage of strategic digital marketing to drive new leads and accelerate sales. This summit is designed to equip participants with insights into the fundamentals of Social Media Selling for B2B, and how organizations can accelerate & drive sales through agile digital marketing, leveraging artificial intelligence, and optimized digital customer experience, amongst others.

Venue: Online. Register Here.

Date: March 30, 2021.

Time: 11am.

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