“Guyn Man” is a witty, gripping and humorous romantic-comedy. The storyline is amusing with the supporting cast stereotyped to a satirical angle and the theme revolves around ‘valuing what you have before you lose it’. Detailing the lives of best friends since university; Anaya Ekiye and Ikechukwu Mordi Jnr., the story is woven around their simple yet complex relationship and raises the question: ‘Can friends be in love and not know it?’ Guyn Man Cast: Jimmy Odukoya, Adunni Ade, Ben Lugo Touitou, Keira Hewatch, Bucci Franklin, Tope Olowoniyan, Lolo Eremie… with Ireti Doyle, Chico Aligekwe and many more.
Venue: Chopsticks Plaza, Lekki Phase 1, Lagos
Date: February 2 – 11, 2018
Time: 4pm, 6pm, 8pm